Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN), Kaithal, has announced the recruitment of 136 Apprentices for the year 2025. Vacancy Details: Lineman: 117 positions Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA): 19 positions
What is the total number of vacancies available in UHBVN Kaithal Apprentice Recruitment 2025?
There are 136 vacancies: Lineman: 117 positions COPA (Computer Operator & Programming Assistant): 19 positions
What is the eligibility criteria for the Lineman post?
Candidates must have passed 10th class with ITI in the relevant trade.
What is the minimum age limit to apply for these posts?
The minimum age requirement is 14 years as of March 13, 2025.
What is the application period for this recruitment?
The application process starts on March 3, 2025, and ends on March 13, 2025.
What is the selection process for UHBVN Kaithal Apprentice Recruitment 2025?
The selection will be based on Document Verification and a Merit List prepared from academic qualifications.
Whom can I contact for further queries regarding this recruitment?
For detailed information or assistance, candidates are advised to refer to the official notification available on the UHBVN Kaithal website.
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